Updating the application

This section describes how to update an existing Kadi4Mat installation. It is highly recommended to always keep a productive Kadi4Mat installation up to date.



It is generally recommended to create an up-to-date backup of at least the database before updating the application.

Before performing the update, it is highly recommended to take a look at the update notes below to be informed about any new installation requirements or other changes between versions. The current version that a Kadi4Mat installation uses can be retrieved in various ways:

  • Via the Information tab in the graphical sysadmin interface, which will also show whether the current version is up to date.

  • Via the web interface at the bottom left of the About page when being logged in.

  • Via the HTTP API using the /api/info endpoint.

  • Via the Kadi CLI directly on the server:

    sudo su - kadi # Switch to the kadi user
    kadi --version # Print the current version

Please also check whether any installed third-party plugins are still compatible with the new Kadi4Mat version, as plugin hook specifications and internal functionality of Kadi4Mat that a plugin might use are subject to change between releases.

Performing the update

When updating Kadi4Mat, it is recommended to first stop the application and some of its related services:

sudo systemctl stop apache2 kadi-uwsgi kadi-celery kadi-celerybeat

Afterwards, the application can be updated:

sudo su - kadi      # Switch to the kadi user
pip install -U pip  # Make sure the newest version of pip is being used
pip install -U kadi # Update the application code
kadi db upgrade     # Upgrade the database schema


Make sure to actually run the database schema upgrade and that it runs through successfully before continuing.

Finally, the application and services can be started again:

sudo systemctl start apache2 kadi-uwsgi kadi-celery kadi-celerybeat

(Optional) Updating dependencies

When (also) updating any dependencies Kadi4Mat relies on, additional update steps may be required. Generally, please refer to the documentation of the respective dependency and make sure that the application has been backed up. Depending on which kind of dependency should be updated, it might be necessary to stop the application beforehand, as explained above.

For updating the used PostgreSQL version in particular, it is usually recommended to migrate existing data using the same procedure as when handling database backups. For updating the used Python version, please refer to the instructions about using different Python versions, as the described update steps should be the same even when not compiling Python from source.

Update notes

The following section lists all changes, and corresponding versions, that may require additional pre- or post-installation steps for existing installations. Note that for all steps that are to be performed after updating, it is usually still recommended to perform them before starting all services again.


For a full list of changes, please also refer to the release history.


When updating from very old versions of Kadi4Mat, it should usually be sufficient simply going through all changes step-by-step, starting with the oldest version that is relevant.

Version 1.1.0

  • Before the update: Support for Python version 3.8 has been removed. For existing installations that use this version, please see the instructions on how to install and use a different Python version.

Version 0.42.0

  • Before and during the update: The supported version of Elasticsearch has been changed from version 7 to version 8, so it has to be upgraded accordingly in existing installations. Before doing so, it is highly recommended to upgrade to the most recent minor version, or at least version >=7.17. The following example shows how to retrieve the current version, assuming Elasticsearch is reachable locally on the default port:

    curl http://localhost:9200

    Additionally, ensure that the Elasticsearch GPG key is present on the system, if not already the case:

    sudo apt install wget apt-transport-https gnupg
    wget -qO - https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg

    Afterwards, the upgrade to the next major version can be performing by using the following steps, which assume a simple, single-node setup as used in the installation instructions and script. It is recommended to stop the application beforehand, so no changes in the search index will be attempted in the meantime.

    sudo systemctl stop elasticsearch
    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg] https://artifacts.elastic.co/packages/8.x/apt stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-8.x.list
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl start elasticsearch


    If being prompted about conflicting changes in the Elasticsearch configuration file, make sure to keep the existing file, so previous configuration changes are not lost.

    Afterwards, the existing search index should work as before, without the need to reindex any data. The old Elasticsearch 7 package repository in /etc/apt/sources.list.d may optionally be deleted.

Version 0.37.0

  • Before the update: The uWSGI configuration template has been adapted again. While not required, it is recommended to update it when using a configuration such as described in the installation instructions or as generated by the installation script. The following line may be added to /etc/kadi-uwsgi.ini:

    socket-timeout = 600

    This value ensures a sufficiently high timeout between application server and web server.

  • Before the update: Support for Python version 3.7 has been removed. For existing installations that use this version, please see the instructions on how to install and use a different Python version.

Version 0.36.0

  • Before the update: The uWSGI configuration template has been adapted. While not required, it is recommended to update it when using a configuration such as described in the installation instructions or as generated by the installation script. The following lines may be changed in/added to /etc/kadi-uwsgi.ini:

    harakiri = 3600
    max-worker-lifetime-delta = 5

    These values ensure that the application allows for longer request timeouts and that workers won’t all restart at the same time when their maximum lifetime is reached.

Version 0.26.0

  • After the update: Full-text search functionality has been added for templates. In order to create the corresponding search index and to add existing templates to it, the Kadi CLI can be used:

    sudo su - kadi                  # Switch to the kadi user
    kadi search reindex -m template # Reindex all existing template data

    Note that interrupting the command may lead to orphaned indices being created, which can be deleted manually by using:

    sudo su - kadi             # Switch to the kadi user
    kadi search ls             # List all search indices
    kadi search remove <index> # Remove all search indices specified by <index>

Version 0.21.0

  • Before the update: The FOOTER_NAV_ITEMS configuration item has been renamed to NAV_FOOTER_ITEMS, which uses a more simple structure than before and can also be configured via the graphical sysadmin interface. For more complex customization needs, e.g. custom styling or translations, the new kadi.plugins.spec.kadi_get_nav_footer_items() plugin hook may be used instead.

Version 0.19.0

  • Before the update: The installation of uWSGI is now done via pip instead of APT in the installation instructions and script. This will usually install a newer version and will also make the use of Python versions different from the system installation easier. Therefore, existing installations should switch by performing the following steps:

    sudo systemctl stop apache2 uwsgi kadi-celery kadi-celerybeat # Stop all services
    sudo systemctl disable uwsgi                                  # Disable the old uWSGI service
    sudo apt install libpcre3-dev                                 # Install an additional dependency needed to install uWSGI

    Simply disabling the old uWSGI service should be sufficient. Afterwards, the new version of uWSGI can be installed via pip by simply updating the application code as usual. Note that the services should not be restarted yet.

    To generate a new basic configuration for uWSGI, the Kadi CLI can be used:

    sudo su - kadi                                # Switch to the kadi user
    kadi utils uwsgi --out ${HOME}/kadi-uwsgi.ini # Generate a configuration file for uWSGI

    The generated configuration should be rechecked as further customization may be necessary, especially in case any customizations were done to it in the past. Note that the old configuration file can be found at /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/kadi.ini when using the installation instructions or script.

    Once the configuration is suitable, it should be moved to a suitable place:

    sudo mv /opt/kadi/kadi-uwsgi.ini /etc/

    This installation of uWSGI also needs an additional systemd unit file:

    sudo su - kadi                                            # Switch to the kadi user
    kadi utils uwsgi-service --out ${HOME}/kadi-uwsgi.service # Generate a systemd unit file for uWSGI

    Again, the generated configuration should be rechecked as further customization may be necessary. Once the configuration is suitable, it can be enabled and started like this:

    sudo mv /opt/kadi/kadi-uwsgi.service /etc/systemd/system/
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable kadi-uwsgi

    Afterwards, the services can be started again as usual, if no additional update steps need to be performed beforehand. In case something related to uWSGI does not work, all relevant errors should end up in the log files at /var/log/uwsgi, as usual.

  • Before the update: Support for Python version 3.6 has been removed. For existing installations that use this version, please see the instructions on how to install and use a different Python version.

Version 0.16.0

  • Before the update: The uWSGI configuration template has been adapted. When using a configuration such as described in the installation instructions or as generated by the installation script, the following lines should be added to /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/kadi.ini:

    buffer-size = 32768
    post-buffering = 32768

    These values ensure that the application can properly deal with larger query parameters and slow uploads in certain cases.

  • After the update: The existing search mappings for records, collections and groups have been changed in order to improve exact matches and searches with short queries. To apply the new mappings in existing installations, existing data has to be reindexed using the Kadi CLI by running:

    sudo su - kadi      # Switch to the kadi user
    kadi search reindex # Reindex all existing data

    Note that the existing indices should still be searchable while the command is running (which may take a while), so the operation can also be performed while the application is already running. Once the command finishes, the old indices are deleted and switched with the new ones afterwards. Note that interrupting the command may lead to orphaned indices being created, which can be deleted manually by using:

    sudo su - kadi             # Switch to the kadi user
    kadi search ls             # List all search indices
    kadi search remove <index> # Remove all search indices specified by <index>

Version 0.15.0

  • Before the update: The Python package psycopg2-binary, to interact with the PostgreSQL database, has been replaced with psycopg2, as the former is not actually supposed to be used in productive environments. As the new package needs to be built from source, it requires some additional build prerequisites. For existing installations, these can be installed via APT by running the following command:

    sudo apt install build-essential python3-dev libpq-dev

Version 0.14.0

  • Before the update: The Elasticsearch configuration that is described in the installation instructions and also used in the installation script, which assume a simple, single-node setup, has been adjusted. For existing installations that use this kind of setup, the necessary changes in the configuration file of Elasticsearch can be applied by running the following command:

    echo -e "discovery.type: single-node\nxpack.security.enabled: false" | sudo tee -a /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

    For the changes to take effect, Elasticsearch has to be restarted using:

    systemctl restart elasticsearch