Backing up the application

Aside from backing up the installed application itself, or at least all of the important configuration files, it is important to regularly create backups of the database and the persisted file data in production environments. The following sections highlight some useful tools and the relevant configuration values of Kadi4Mat in order to get started.


In order to keep the database and file system used to store local files in sync, both backups should always be performed as simultaneously as possible.

Database backups

Since PostgreSQL is used as database system, the pg_dump utility provided by PostgreSQL can be used to create backups of the database, which can later be restored again using pg_restore. The concrete backup command to run depends on the specific way the backup should be performed and on the installed version of PostgreSQL.

The following commands show just one example of how to use pg_dump, including some initial setup, assuming the directory /mnt/backups/kadi exists and has the correct permissions to be used by the kadi user:

sudo su - kadi                                                          # Switch to the kadi user
echo "<host>:<port>:<database>:<user>:<password>" > ~/.pgpass           # Create a PostgreSQL password file
chmod 600 ~/.pgpass                                                     # Give the password file the correct permissions
pg_dump -Fc -h <host> -U <user> -f /mnt/backups/kadi/db.dump <database> # Perform the actual backup

The PostgreSQL password file and the actual backup command require some parameters that depend on the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI configuration value of Kadi4Mat. Note that specifying the port, which defaults to 5432, is mandatory in the password file.

Based on the example above, the following command could be used to restore the backed up database contents, assuming the specified database has been created as usual and is still empty (otherwise, the --clean argument has to be supplied in addition):

pg_restore -h <host> -U <user> -d <database> /mnt/backups/kadi/db.dump

Note that the command will prompt for the password of the database user unless a corresponding .pgpass file is present like in the backup command above.


When restoring from backup, either make sure that the Kadi4Mat version that was used when creating the backup matches the one that is used when restoring it, or upgrade the database schema afterwards using:

sudo su - kadi  # Switch to the kadi user
kadi db upgrade # Upgrade the database schema

For more details about pg_dump and pg_restore, please see the official documentation, e.g. the following for the current PostgreSQL version.

After restoring from backup, the search indices may need to be recreated based on the database contents, unless Elasticsearch is hosted or backed up separately. The following command can be used to perform this task:

sudo su - kadi      # Switch to the kadi user
kadi search reindex # Recreate and -populate the search indices

In case any old indices still exist, these should still be searchable until the command finishes (in case the application is already running while performing the operation). Once the command finishes, the old indices are deleted and switched with the new ones afterwards. Note that interrupting the command may lead to orphaned indices being created, which can be deleted manually by using:

sudo su - kadi             # Switch to the kadi user
kadi search ls             # List all search indices
kadi search remove <index> # Remove all search indices specified by <index>

File backups


This section focuses on the built-in local storage provider configured via the STORAGE_PATH configuration option (see also the complete storage configuration). However, note that different storage providers most likely require different backup and restore strategies.

In order to backup all locally stored file data, namely all record files as well as miscellaneous uploads, such as profile or group images, the contents stored in the paths specified by the STORAGE_PATH and MISC_UPLOADS_PATH configuration values of Kadi4Mat are relevant.

After restoring from backup, to ensure that the application can handle the files stored in STORAGE_PATH correctly, the previous ownership and permissions of all files should be restored (if not already the case), depending on the user and group under which the application is running. For this, the following commands can be used, assuming the default user/group and storage directory are used:

sudo chown -R kadi:kadi /opt/kadi/storage

sudo find /opt/kadi/storage -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \;
sudo find /opt/kadi/storage -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;

The same process can be repeated for the configured MISC_UPLOADS_PATH, which usually corresponds to /opt/kadi/uploads.

Additionally, in order to verify that there are no inconsistencies between the file information stored in the database and the actual data stored by the corresponding storage provider(s), the following command may be used:

sudo su - kadi   # Switch to the kadi user
kadi files check # Check for any file inconsistencies

Note that running this command might take a while to complete, depending on the amount of stored data.

(Optional) Redis backups

Generally speaking, it might also make sense to backup Redis, especially if your instance of Kadi4Mat makes use of a lot of background tasks. Usually, Redis should already be configured by default to save a snapshot of its database to /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb in regular intervals, which can simply be backed up as usual.

Restoring from backup can then be performed by running the following commands:

sudo systemctl stop redis-server
sudo mv <backup.rdb> /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
sudo chown redis:redis /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
sudo chmod 660 /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
sudo systemctl start redis-server

For more information about changing the snapshot intervals or performing snapshots on demand, please also refer to the official Redis persistence documentation.